Doing Business with DPOR

Doing Business with DPOR

For information about selling IT and Telecommunications goods & services, visit VITA.

This public body does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia, §2.2-4343.1 or against an Offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment.

DPOR Administration Section (Procurement)


Who is DPOR?

The Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) is a regulatory agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We regulate 310,000 individuals and businesses in more than 30 occupations and professions. DPOR's Administration Section is responsible for all purchasing at DPOR. We purchase:

  • General office supplies;
  • Complicated multi-year service contracts; and
  • Everything in between!

How does DPOR purchase?

Our team of experts has over 20 years of purchasing experience and uses tools such as:

Vendors have their own tool: the Vendor’s Manual - A Vendor’s Guide on How to Do Business with the Commonwealth of Virginia

Where does DPOR get its goods and services?

Our staff locates its own sources for goods and services for other than those covered above.

How does DPOR find sources for what it needs?


eVA is Virginia's online, electronic procurement system. This web-based vendor registration and purchasing system allows state agencies, colleges, universities and many local governments to use eVA to conduct all purchasing and sourcing activities for goods and services.

eVA allows DPOR to locate routine and hard-to-find items. Buyers and vendors can use eVA to create business opportunities and solutions.

Virginia agencies are required to use eVA for all purchases. DPOR's current utilization rate is 97%, which means that all but three percent of of everything we buy is purchased through eVA. Our goal is to do business only with eVA-registered vendors.

How can you become an eVA-registered vendor?

An eVA registered vendor can experience increased business opportunities and growth. Your business will get exposure to the more than 700 state agencies and localities. Visit the eVA website to learn more, or contact the eVA Customer Care Center at 1-866-289-7367 or 804-371-2525.

What else should vendors know? NIGP Codes!

NIGP (National Institute of Governmental Purchasing) codes describe what vendors sell or do. DPOR uses the NIGP codes find what we are looking for. Vendors who register in eVA should include the applicable codes in their eVA profile. If we are looking for a vendor who sells twine, and you don’t have the commodity code for twine on your profile, we can’t find you to do business with you. (Fun fact: there are 11 NIGP codes for twine!)

DPOR bought it, so now how do we pay for it?

With our Small Purchase Charge Card. By using Virginia’s credit card:

  • We finish our paperwork sooner;
  • We authorize payment as soon as we receive the goods or service; and
  • Vendors get their money immediately.

Virginia’s current contract is with one of the three nationally known credit card companies, which many vendors may already accept.

SWaM . . . what does that mean?

SWaM stands for Small, Women, and Minority. It refers to certain "small" businesses that meet specific ownership criteria. The Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD) defines a SWaM business as follows:“An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees, or average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years.” 

What that really means is that more than 90% of businesses in the Commonwealth are small businesses eligible for certification by SBSD.

All agencies set goals for how much of its discretionary dollars should be spent with SWaM businesses. DPOR's goal is to spend 50% of its discretionary funds with SBSD-certified SWaM businesses, and purchases up to $50,000 are set aside for SBSD-certified small businesses.

How can you become a SBSD-certified SWaM vendor?

SBSD offers an on-line application for all companies beginning the certification process. For more information on the benefits of becoming a SBSD-certified SWaM business, certification requirements, and the application process, visit the SBSD website or call 1-800-223-0671 or (804) 786-6585.