The Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board offers guidance to the DPOR Director for regulation of promoters and events involving professional boxing, martial arts, and professional wrestling. The Advisory Board is composed of representatives of each discipline and two citizen members.

A Message From The Board

A Message From The Board

The Virginia Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Program are very pleased to announce we are preparing to open for business. Effective May 28th, we will begin accepting applications for future events.

In order to hold a future date, a completed application and fee for the event must be received in our office (not postmarked) 30 days prior to the event. Please note our office at the Perimeter Center remains closed to the public. No in-person customer service is available and visitors are not permitted to enter the building or drop off materials. 

You may not advertise the event until your completed event application has been approved. If you paid for an event in 2020 that was not held due to the pandemic, please include the name of the event, location, and date of the event with your application in order for us to confirm previous payment that will be applied to this event.

Individuals (promoter, matchmaker, fighter, cornermen) who paid for a license in 2020 can use that license through August 2, 2021; however, fighters still have to provide updated medicals and blood work to participate in events. After August 2, 2021, you will need to apply for a license for the remainder of 2021.  All individual license costs will be reduced by half for the time period between June 1, 2021, and November 15, 2021.  Any license issued November 16, 2021, or after will pay the total fee because that license will not expire until December 31, 2022. This does not include the Event fee. 

The extension and reduction of your state license fee has no impact on your Federal IDs.  They must be current for you to participate in an event in Virginia.

Please note there will be no professional boxing or professional martial arts events scheduled on holiday weekends.  If you have any questions, contact or 804-367-8506.

Welcome back! We look forward to having boxing, martial arts, and professional wrestling events resume in the Commonwealth!

Important Notices Concerning Coronavirus (COVID-19):

Visit for the latest COVID-19 updates, including information about the revised Executive Order.

Please note: DPOR Offices at the Perimeter Center are closed to the public due to the public health emergency. No in-person customer service is available and visitors are not permitted to enter the building or drop off materials.

Additional Notices

- Application fees are not refundable and/or non-transferrable.

- Cornermen, managers, and fighters who fail to submit their application AND $40 fee by noon the day before weigh-ins are subject to an additional $35 on-site processing fee. In effect since July 1, 2016 (see 2016 announcement), the administrative fee is charged the day of weigh-ins or the day of the event for licenses issued on-site to individuals who did not submit their application and regular fee by noon the day before weigh-ins. 

Amateur MMA Event Forms | Professional Event Forms




Which application format is right for you? Tips on how to choose. 


  • For Sanctioning Organizations (not contestants or promoters)
Application for Sanctioning Organization Approval (v05/11/2020) No online option  Interactive Static
Experience Verification Form | Amateur Sanctioning Organization (v07/01/2016) No online option  Interactive Static


  • Amateur boxing and amateur wrestling are exempt from licensing requirements. 
  • Cornermen, managers, and fighters who fail to submit their application AND $40 fee by noon the day before weigh-ins are subject to an additional $35 on-site processing feeLearn more about policy effective July 1, 2016.

For Contestants and Other Pro Event Participants

Pro Boxer/Limited Boxer License Application (v04/11/2017)
  • Cornermen, managers, and fighters who fail to submit their application AND $40 fee by noon the day before weigh-ins are subject to an additional $35 on-site processing fee. Learn more about policy effective July 1, 2016.   (hd3)

No online option  Interactive Static
Application for Boxer Federal ID Card  No online option  Interactive Static
Pro Martial Artist/Limited Martial Artist License Application No online option  Interactive Static
Application for National MMA ID Card  No online option  Interactive Static
Pro Wrestler/Limited Wrestler License Application  No online option  Interactive Static

Trainer/Cutman/Second License Application (pro events)

  • Cornermen, managers, and fighters who fail to submit their application AND $40 fee by noon the day before weigh-ins are subject to an additional $35 on-site processing fee. Learn more about policy effective July 1, 2016.  (hd4)

No online option  Interactive Static

Manager License Application (pro events)     

  • Cornermen, managers, and fighters who fail to submit their application AND $40 fee by noon the day before weigh-ins are subject to an additional $35 on-site processing fee. Learn more about policy effective July 1, 2016.  (hd5)
No online option  Interactive Static
Matchmaker License Application (pro events) No online option  Interactive Static


For Promoters

Promoter License Application  (v05/11/2020)
  • for professional boxers, martial artists, and wrestlers
No online option  Interactive  Static 
Professional BOXING/MARTIAL ARTS EVENT Application
  • Not for pro wrestling events
No online option  Interactive  Static 
Professional WRESTLING EVENT Application
  • Not for pro boxing/martial arts events
No online option  Interactive  Static 
Cash Bond Form for Professional Event  No online option  Interactive  Static 
Surety Bond Form for Professional Event  No online option  Interactive  Static 
Gate Fee Report Form  No online option  Interactive  Static 
Payout Report Form  No online option  Interactive  Static 
Proposed Bout Card for Pro BOXING/MARTIAL ARTS Event
  • Additions/subtractions/deletions
  • Not for pro wrestling event
No online option  Interactive  Static 
Proposed Bout Card for Pro WRESTLING Event
  • Additions/subtractions/deletions
  • Not for professional boxing/martial arts event
No online option  Interactive  Static 

Sign up for email notification of regulatory action and meetings by registering here.

Pending regulatory action (proposed changes, public hearings, etc.) 

Sign up for email notification of regulatory action and meetings by registering here.

The Virginia Regulatory Town Hall provides access to DPOR board meeting schedules, agenda, and past meeting minutes.

  • NOTE: DPOR Advisory Boards (e.g. Boxing, Martial Arts & Pro Wrestling and Polygraph Examiners) are grouped under one listing on the Town Hall website.

Visit the Town Hall


The Boxing, Martial Arts,
and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board FAQS


Boxing FAQS

1. How do I contact the Advisory Board office?

   You may reach the Board office by phone at 804-367-0186, by FAX at (877) 264-8691, or by e-mail at Additionally, if you have information that you would like to mail to the Advisory Board, please send it to:

Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233


2. Will I be able to speak directly with a Board member?

   No, the Advisory Board members do not work in the Advisory Board office, however, the Advisory Board staff members can answer your questions and are trained to process all information that comes into the Board office. Please do not contact an Advisory Board member directly.


3. Can I renew my boxing license and what is the cost of a boxing license?

   No. boxing licenses are not renewable. Every year you have to re-apply. The cost of the boxing license is $40 (see 18VAC120-40-50 A for additional information). If the application and fee are not received two days prior to weigh-ins, a $35 administrative fee is added.


4. What are the qualifications for licensure?

   In addition to 18VAC120-40-70, applicants must also meet the requirements in 18VAC120-40-80 and 18VAC120-40-85 All applicants must disclose information about prior disciplinary actions or criminal convictions. (Criminal history is not a barrier to licensure, but must be  considered in accordance with Section § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia.)


5. When does my boxing license expire?

   Your boxing license expires on December 31 st of each year. If the boxing license is purchased within 45 days prior to December 31 it will not expire until December 31 st of the following year (for additional information please see 18VAC120-40-40.)


6. How long before my license will be issued?

   Your license is usually issued within 4-10 business days of receiving your application. You can check on the status of your license on License Lookup.

7. Do I need to register with the national record keeper and how do I obtain my Federal Identification Card?

   Yes, to register, contact the Advisory Board at 804-367-0186 and schedule an appointment. On the day of your appointment you will be required to bring a driver’s license, your SSN card, your amateur passbook, or a letter from your trainer stating your capabilities and training to participate as a professional fighter, a bill or document with your current name and address, two passport photos, and a credit card, check, cash or money order for $40.


8. How do I obtain an open date for an event? At what point will I be able to begin advertising my event?

   Once you are licensed as a promoter, you may check Upcoming Pro Events, to check on dates that have already been taken before submitting the event application. No dates are held unless a completed application and fee is submitted. You may not advertise your event until your completed application and fee have been received and approved by the Advisory Board.


9. Can a promoter be the matchmaker for his own event?

   Yes, a promoter must have a matchmaker license to match the event, if the promoter is using fighters that they manage, a separate matchmaker must make these bouts. To apply for a matchmaker license, the individual must submit the application and fee, along with a statement that the applicant does not employ and does not otherwise have a financial interest in, or commercial connection to, any boxer, manager, trainer, or second, except that which may be necessary to arrange a fighter's participation in a specific event.


Martial Arts FAQS

1. How do I contact the Advisory Board office?

You may reach the Board office by phone at 804-367-0186, by FAX at (877) 264-8691, or by e-mail at Additionally, if you have information that you would like to mail to the Advisory Board, please send it to:

Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233


2. Will I be able to speak directly with a Board member?

No. The Advisory Board members do not work in the Advisory Board office; however, the Advisory Board staff members can answer your questions and are trained to process all information that comes into the Board office.

Please do not contact any Advisory Board member directly.


3. Can I renew my martial artist license and what is the cost of a martial artist license?

No. There is no renewal of a martial artist license, every year you have to re-apply. The cost of the martial artist license is $40 (see 18VAC120-40-40 and 18VAC120-40-50 for additional information). If your application and fee is not received two days prior to weigh-ins, a $35 administrative fee is added.

4. What are the qualifications for licensure?

In addition to 18VAC120-40-70, applicants must also meet the requirements in 18VAC120-40-80 and 18VAC120-40-85 All applicants must disclose information about prior disciplinary actions or criminal convictions on the Disciplinary Action Reporting Form or the Criminal Conviction Reporting Form. (Criminal history is not a barrier to licensure, but must be considered in accordance with Section §54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia.)


5. When does my martial artist license expire?

Your martial artist license expires on December 31st of each year. If the martial artist license is purchased within 45 days prior to December 31st it will not expire until December 31st of the following year. For additional information please see 18VAC120-40-40.


6. How long before my license will be issued?

Your license is usually issued within 4-10 business days of receiving your application. You can check on the status of your license on DPOR's License Lookup.


7. Do I need to register with the national record keeper and how do I obtain my Federal Identification Card?

Yes. To register and obtain your Federal Identification Card, you must complete and submit the Federal Identification Card Application, required documents and $40 fee mailing it via United States Postal Service to:

Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233

Or faxing it directly to our Finance Department: 877-340-9616. A Credit Card Payment Form should be submitted when faxing.

Your application must include a copy of your Virginia driver’s license, social security card or passport book, amateur passbook or a letter from your trainer stating your capabilities and training to participate as a professional fighter, utility bill or document with your name and current address, and two passport photos.


8. How do I obtain an open date for an event? At what point will I be able to begin advertising my event?

Due to Executive Order 72, all Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling events have been canceled until further notice.

Once you are licensed as a promoter, you may check Upcoming Events Listing on the DPOR website, to check on dates that have already been taken before submitting the event application. No dates are held unless a completed application and fee(s) are submitted.

You may not advertise your event until your completed application and fee(s)  have been received and approved by the Advisory Board.


9. Can a promoter be the matchmaker for his own event?

Yes, a promoter must have a matchmaker license to match the event, if the promoter is using fighters that they manage, a separate matchmaker must make these bouts. To apply for a matchmaker license, the individual must submit the application and fee, along with a statement that the applicant does not employ and does not otherwise have a financial interest in, or commercial connection to, any martial artist, manager, trainer, or second, except that which may be necessary to arrange a fighter's participation in a specific event.


10. Do amateur martial arts events have to be registered with the national recordkeeper?

Yes, it is the responsibility of the sanctioning body to make sure the promoters have the event properly registered with the national record keeper (for more information contact


11. Do I need an event license to promote an amateur event?

The Advisory Board does not handle amateur events. Amateur events, promoters, fighters, trainers, cut men, and cornermen are handled by an approved amateur sanctioning organization. For additional information click on Amateur Martial Arts - Approved Sanctioning Organization on the website.


12. Are professional/amateur events held in Virginia?

Yes, but if a promoter wishes to have a pro-am event in Virginia, the Advisory Board only regulates the professional side of the event, the promoter has to contact an Amateur Martial Arts - Approved Sanctioning Organization to regulate the amateur side of the event.


Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board

Board Executive Director

Kathleen (Kate) R. Nosbisch

Member Roster

Advisory Board Member Roster

Roze Merditaj

  • Citizen Member
  • First Four-Year Term expires June 30, 2023

Mark D'Attilio

  • Representative of the Sport of Boxing
  • Second Four-Year Term expires June 30, 2022

Brian Costello | Chair

  • Representative of the Sport of Martial Arts
  • Second Four-Year Term expires June 30, 2022

Dr. Daniel M. Hardy

  • Citizen Member
  • Second Four-Year Term expires June 30, 2024

David McCloud

  • Representative of the Sport of Wrestling
  • Second Four-Year Term expires June 30, 2023

Scott L. Howard

  • Representative of the Sport of Martial Arts
  • Representative of the Sport of Martial Arts

Delvis O. McCadden | Vice-Chair

  • Representative of the Sport of Boxing
  • Second Four-Year Term expires June 30, 2023

Advisory Board members are appointed by the DPOR Director. 

DPOR stands ready to assist veterans and active-duty military personnel as they maintain or transition to civilian careers requiring professional credentials.

Active-duty military personnel and their spouses having served outside the U.S., as well as certain diplomatic service members and veterans, may be eligible to receive up to a five-year extension for meeting license renewal requirements (pursuant to Section 54.1-117 of the Code of Virginia).

Spouses of active-duty military personnel assigned to a duty station in Virginia are eligible for expedited processing using the Military Spouse Expedited License Application (Interactive | Static). A temporary, non-renewable 12-month license for certain military spouses licensed in another state who need more time to meet Virginia-specific requirements is also an option if necessary. [Section 54.1-119

  • Military spouses also can get help covering the costs of transferring their professional licenses or certifications when they experience a permanent-change-of-station move with their service member spouse

For honorably discharged veterans, “substantially equivalent” military training, education, or experience may be credited toward certain license requirements (pursuant to Section 54.1-118). The Virginia Department of Veteran Services does not reimburse for exam costs. However, Veterans can be reimbursed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The link for the information is here:

Upcoming Events Listing

DPOR licenses promoters and participants involved in professional wresting, boxing, and martial arts events. The list of upcoming events includes only approved, licensed, professional events. 

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Virginia, all Boxing, Martial Arts and Professional Wrestling events have been canceled until further notice.     

Amateur martial arts/MMA must be conducted under an approved Amateur Sanctioning Organization. (Amateur boxing and amateur wrestling are not regulated.)

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Virginia, all Amateur Martial Arts/MMA events have been canceled until further notice.     

Amateur Martial Arts/MMA

  • Promoters, fighters, and other event participants in amateur martial arts/MMA must work through an approved Amateur Sanctioning Organization and comply with its standards and operations.
  • ALL amateur events MUST be pre-registered with the national database registry: Mixed Martial Arts LLCIt is the event promoter's responsibility and ongoing duty to register their events in advance directly with Mixed Martial Arts LLC online and pay any applicable fees.
  • Promoters may want to designate a member of an approved Amateur Sanctioning Organization as an authorized user of their account, for purposes of reviewing match-ups and suspensions.
  • State law prohibits DPOR from reporting fight results from amateur events conducted by a non-approved Sanctioning Organization to the official national database registry.

Approved Amateur Sanctioning Organizations   

United Combat Arts

2957 Reed Creek Dr.
Draper, VA 24324

Global Combat Alliance

6415 Jahnke Rd.
Richmond, VA 23225

Virginia Combat Sports Sanction

7612 Leeds Manor Rd.
Marshall, VA 20115
Approval Expires:
Dec. 31, 2020
Approval Expires:
Dec. 31, 2020
Approval Expires:
Dec. 31, 2020


*Approved sanctioning organizations must file an annual report by Feb. 1, pursuant to subsection F of § 54.1-829.1.  

  • Use License Lookup for the most up-to-date credential verification.

Training Videos

Here is just an example of what this can look like....