Digital DPOR Licenses and Certificates
Make sure you receive your digital DPOR license!
DPOR has partnered with online credentialing service Merit to issue licenses and certificates in digital format.
Digital credentials work the same way as your traditional paper license but offer fast verification and 24/7 accessibility.
Accepting your digital license from Merit is optional. You will still receive regular mail from DPOR as usual including your paper license upon renewal.
Learn more at
If you have questions about your digital license, email or call 1-833-463-7487.
Interested? Get started by sharing your up-to-date email address with us.*
Email Address Change Form | Interactive | Static |
Choosing a form type:
Choosing an Interactive Application allows you to enter information directly onto fillable forms, save to a personal computer for your records, and submit the completed forms electronically (by e-mail or FAX).
- Fillable PDFs do not open correctly in some Internet browsers. If you need help with a "Please wait . . ." message, go here.
Choosing Static Applications only allows users to print the PDF and complete the form by hand. The advantage is that you can access them on a variety of electronic devices with minimal difficulty.
*Updating your email address will not change your existing User ID (log-in) when using DPOR Online Services.