Real Estate Firms, Branches & Business Entities

Real Estate Firms, Branches & Business Entities

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Firm | License Application (v04/30/2020):      Online  |  Interactive  |  Static

Firm | Name/Address Change Form  (v01/27/2020):    Online  |  Interactive  |  Static

Firm | Principal Broker/Officer Change Form (v05/06/2016):    Online  |  Interactive  |  Static

Firm/Sole Proprietor Audit Form (v07/08/2014):    Online  |  Interactive  |  Static


Branch Office | License Application (v02/20/2019) Interactive Static
Branch Office | Supervising Broker Certification (v11/01/2016) Interactive Static
Branch Office | Supervising Broker Change Form (v10/28/2020)                    Interactive Static
Branch Office | Address Change Form (v04/20/2016) Interactive Static
Termination of Branch Affiliation Application (v11/01/2016)  Interactive Static
Branch Affiliation Application (v10/19/2017)
*if currently active (not to be used by the INACTIVE licensee) 
Branch Office | Roster List (needed for branch office renewal) 
  • The principal or supervising broker must complete the Branch Office Roster List prior to the expiration date of the branch office license.

    The Board will mail the Roster List to the branch office approximately 60 days prior to the expiration date.

    If you have not received the Roster List within 30 days of the expiration date, contact the Board office.


Branch Office | License Application (v02/20/2019):      Interactive  |  Static

Branch Office | Supervising Broker Certification (v11/01/2016):      Interactive  |  St:atic

Branch Office | Supervising Broker Change Form (v10/28/2020):      Interactive  |  Static

Branch Office | Address Change Form (v04/20/2016):      Interactive  |  Static

Termination of Branch Affiliation Application (v11/01/2016):      Interactive  |  Static

Branch Affiliation Application (v10/19/2017):      Interactive  |  Static
*if currently active (not to be used by the INACTIVE licensee) 

Branch Office | Roster List (needed for branch office renewal):      Interactive  |  Static

  • The principal or supervising broker must complete the Branch Office Roster List prior to the expiration date of the branch office license.

    The Board will mail the Roster List to the branch office approximately 60 days prior to the expiration date.

    If you have not received the Roster List within 30 days of the expiration date, contact the Board office.



Business Entity | License/Reinstatement Application (v04/30/2020)                                   
*not to be mistaken for FIRM License Application
Interactive Static
Business Entity | Transfer Application (v02/25/2019)
*use when Business Entity needs to be transferred or has been terminated
but NOT expired
Interactive Static
Business Entity | Change Application (v04/30/2020) Interactive Static


Option 1      RENEW ONLINE

Option 2      Return the RENEWAL CARD received in the mail along with your payment 

Option 3      Submit a CREDIT CARD PAYMENT FORM  by mail or FAX, with a statement indicating that the payment is for the renewal of a license. You MUST include your license number(s). 

  • Renewals cannot be processed over the phone. 
  • If your license has expired for more than 30 days, you must contact Board staff at (804) 367-8526 or for further guidance.